Book Modern Soccer


Modern SoccerModeran Fudbal ABOUT BOOK MODERN SOCCER

“Modern Soccer” is an expert book intended for all ages and levels of involvement in soccer, from children on amateur teams to professional play and the job of trainer.

The relationship between trainer and players is described and depicted at top level, teamwork is crystallized through professionalism and ethics nurtured by all top world clubs and national teams.

High-quality treatment and explanation of the most complex elements of technique and situational tactics gives a clear picture not only of those who have dedicated the larger part of their lives to soccer – professionals and trainers – but also amateurs and even children.

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In existing publishing practice relating to sports there is a great empty space with respect to expert literature. With the exception of independent publishing by instructors of staff schools where soccer is studied, there is little suitable and valid literature in this field. The book being presented to the public is real refreshment on the field of expert literature related to soccer. The author of the book, physical education professor Nikša Dobre, has done an exceptional job systemizing knowledge acquired at the academic level with experience from professional soccer in which he was himself involved for many years.

This work is important for all experts currently working in soccer, as well as for all future experts who will take on a very serious job, without improvisation, as is often the case today.
The book only appears difficult to understand because it requires a good understanding of material from several disciplines important for training and competition in soccer. Delving more deeply into the many facts presented opens roads to new knowledge and more successful work with players at almost all levels of competition. The book also carries profound messages with respect to the socialization of athletes and trainers, giving it special significance, and can also be understood as a prompt to conscientiousness on the part of experts in soccer, all those who live from it, and those who have no special interest other than their love for soccer.
In a certain sense, it teaches us not only the proper approach to the achievement of sports results but it also warns us of everything that can happen by acting in amateur fashion and using methods not appropriate to the profession.

I recommend “Modern Soccer” to everyone, most of all to young experts who have just embarked or are about to embark into the world of training and soccer.

Dr.Prof. Dragoljub Višnjić
University of the Physical Education in Belgrade- R Serbia

The very title of the book “Modern Soccer” hides its essence. In order for something to become modern it is necessary for it to have a long history, which without exception means many years and many decades of acquiring experience and knowledge.

Only when everything is brought together in one place can it become contemporary.

The author of this book understood this very well and emphasized it in his introduction, thus artfully avoiding getting caught in the trap of explaining the long history and development of soccer. At the same time he has skillfully moved away from placing an equal sign between the modern and the high quality because the first does not necessarily presume the second. That’s why he has emphasized what makes the game supremely good, and that is the knowledge of individuals collected in the knowledge of the collective.

Soccer as a collective game rests on the strength of individuals. On the other hand, a high-quality individual can stand out only if he has the knowledge and skills to acquire knowledge gathered through the history of soccer in addition to his talent for the game. And that is how we got the book “Modern Soccer.”

Gathered between the covers of the book, in one place, is all the knowledge that makes the game high quality today. Its great virtue is that it can serve as an entertaining introduction to the magic world of the ball on the green rectangle, while at the same time precisely guiding carefully polished expertise toward those positions where the winds blow strongest, and those as a rule are the highest peaks. This book will not reveal all the secrets of soccer but it will reveal all its beauty and imaginativeness, as well as its demanding nature.

Therefore “Modern Soccer” is the first step on the long road to getting acquainted with this popular game.
Mihajlo Todić
Sports journalist and publicist

the book “Modern Soccer” is a refreshment in expert literature that in a very simple but nonetheless highly expert manner explains, clarifies and simplifies the phenomenon of the game of soccer.
Considering the large numbers of soccer schools, trainers and age groups there are understandable differences in methodologies of work. The book “Modern Soccer” is not just a revolutionary authoring project in design and shape of the expert written word. In a very comprehensive, expert yet unobtrusive manner the author simplifies the approach to the game of soccer from top-quality preparation and training of each individual in the team (goalkeeper – defense – midfield – attack) to principles of team organization during play – tactics.

Soccer is not simple, soccer is not 22 people running around after a single ball as interpreted by the gentler sex. Soccer is the beauty of movement and fair play without excessive roughness. That is why I believe that this book will expand the knowledge and understanding of this excellent game of those like myself, a sports reporter who wants to learn and improve and is also a true aficionado of “the lady bug”, as well as of the many others who read it. The author also fairly and correctly warns of all the sacrifices soccer involves as very difficult and painstaking work.

It was both an honor and a pleasure to have had the opportunity read the book “Modern Soccer” and to offer my opinion despite my humble soccer experience. I truly hope and believe that it will assist the soccer professional and amateur vocation – trainers as a top-notch reminder, and new players and future national team members as the first and best designed primer on understanding the game of soccer.
Smiljan Banjac
Sports reporter and soccer commentator


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