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Modern Soccer Academy has created a modern working methodology to develop, in a natural way, all the individual talent that each player possesses, to make it serve the group it belongs to. The purpose of MSA is to export this working methodology anywhere in the world.

Modern Soccer Academy aims to use sport as a tool for transmitting values ​​that are implicit in the practice of team sports, aware of the enormous educational value of any sport for the individual in particular and society in general, to provide young athletes behavioral habits and patterns of conduct based on respect, tolerance and fellowship

We in Modern Soccer Academy believe that The future young soccer player is a personality whose path of development can be interrupted at any moment

That is why it essential that those who work with future soccer players, as well as intermediate level soccer players and already affirmed soccer masters are highly educated experts, people who are far above the average offered by our everyday soccer life.

Training success, its rich knowledge and possibilities for application in soccer depend to a large measure on the level of expertise and education of the trainer, his methodological skill and above all his intellectual powers.

The time in which we are preparing the young soccer player or building up the skills of an already affirmed one is always future time. The athlete’s heart is not infrequently like that of a child – if it is treated too roughly it may not react immediately but the treatment will rarely not have consequences. That is why it is important to note that trainers are not blacksmiths and athletes are not made of metal.

The attitude of the trainer toward the athlete should be firm, but not rough and humiliating. To be a trainer means to be a leader, which means acquiring many kinds of knowledge. The place and the role of the trainer should be in step with the times to protect the profession for a better future. Also, we in Modern Soccer Academy think that the link between the trainer and the soccer player lies in their mutual acquaintance. Every form of brutishness is excluded.

The speed in the transmittal of energy will depend on the skill of the trainer and the adaptability of talent to absorb. The trainers, by acting upon athletes as upon a raw material of coded thoughts and feelings, creates players while through him they become ennobled.

The soccer field is an inexhaustible creative source where everyone can for an instant find the mischievousness of childhood. The line between play and serious work can sometimes be extremely thin

Ours  trainers are all US Soccer licensed and highly educated and experienced  Ex Professional players.